For example, let assume that we would like to create a telephone catalogue. If we use an std::vector then looping though all the contact to find a number is time expensive. Instead we can use an std::unordered_map and have a much quicker search of data.
So this is an example code using the unordered_map:
#include#include int main(void) { // initialise the map which takes as input a string and an integer std::unordered_map < std::string,unsigned int > mymap; // create and insert a new contact std::pair < std::string, unsigned int > pair("Maria",300); mymap.insert(pair); // search for a contract std::string input = "Maria"; std::unordered_map < std::string,unsigned int > ::const_iterator got = mymap.find(input); if(got == mymap.end()) { std::cout << "Contact does not exist\n"; } else { std::cout << got -> first << "'s number is " << got->second <<"\n"; } return 0; }
So if you run the above example, this is what you get:
Maria's number is 300
Please note that unsigned int is not a prober type to save telephone numbers, because telephone numbers if are treated as numbers then you can easily end up with an overflow.
In this example I just wanted to show that unordered map allows you to save two different types of variables. A better approach will have been to have two string instead of string and an unsigned int.