Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Course: Overview of LiDAR; system variations, data interpretation & applications

-        Gain an in-depth understanding of LiDAR concepts, systems and algorithms. 

Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR)

Quickly progress to understand the state-of-art LiDAR research and systems development.
Become an expert on LiDAR data and systems with this step-to-step course, starting from scratch.
This video course gives detailed and broad information about how LiDAR systems works, their usability and interpretation.

According to Wanger et al, LiDAR is a growing technology used in environmental research to collect information about the Earth, such as vegetation and tree species. Earth observation images, acquired from satellites, have been used for years in earth monitoring. In respect to forest monitoring, satellite imagery does not contain information about tree height, diameter at breast height and stem density amongst many other important parameters for monitoring forest health at tree level. In the last couple of decades, LiDAR data acquired from airborne platforms has been increasingly used for forest monitoring, urban planning, archaeology, biodiversity and automated driving. Using this technology, the commercial forestry sector managed a 40% reduction of the expensive fieldwork that cost them millions of dollars annually.

Just listen to these videos and you will become an expert on LiDAR systems in a fraction of time!
Enhance your knowledge of Earth Observation and Remote Sensing along the way!
Check out the curriculum for the detailed contents of this video course!

Chapter 1: Overview of the course (2:56)
Lesson 1:  Overview of the course

Chapter 2: Introduction to LiDAR systems (10:30)
Lesson 2: How LiDAR systems work
Lesson 3: Introduction to discrete and full-waveform LiDAR
Lesson 4: Types according to the way they are carried
Lesson 5: Types according to the way the pulses are emitted

Chapter 3:  Interpretation of LiDAR data (6:50)
Lesson 6: Introduction to your first metrics (Digital Elevation Model, Digital Terrain Model and Canopy Height Model)
Lesson 7: Tree delineation using the Watershed Algorithm
Lesson 8: Further tree delineation approaches

Chapter 4: Full-waveform LiDAR data (11:35)
Lesson 9: Discrete versus full-waveform LiDAR data
Lesson 10: Comparison of data collected using the Leica ALS50_v2 sensor
Lesson 11: Echo Decomposition for peak point extraction
Lesson 12: Voxelisation of full-waveform LiDAR data

Chapter 5: LiDAR file formats (12:13)
Lesson 13: Introduction to binary files
Lesson 14: Discrete LiDAR LAS files formats
Lesson 15: Full-waveform LiDAR LAS file formats
Lesson 16: How to calculate the positions of the waveform samples
Lesson 17: The Pulsewaves file format 

Chapter 6: Sample of available software for interpreting LiDAR data (6:51)
Lesson 18: Sample of available software for interpreting LiDAR data

Chapter 7: Applications of LiDAR data (9:28)
Lesson 19: Biodiversity
Lesson 20: Forest health monitoring
Lesson 21: Urban planning
Lesson 22: Wood trade
Lesson 23: Archaeology
Lesson 24: Automated Driving

Chapter 8: Other Types of LiDAR Systems (2:42)
Lesson 25: Multi-Spectral LiDAR
Lesson 25: Atmospheric LiDAR
Lesson 26: Bathymetric LiDAR

What will you learn?
- Learn how LiDAR systems work
- Gain an in-depth knowledge of various LiDAR systems
- Understand the differences between discrete and full-waveform LiDAR data
- Acquire an understanding of many algorithms used for interpreting LiDAR data
- Learn how to tackle issues using LiDAR in various application areas
- Become aware of various available software able to process LiDAR data

Any prerequisites?
- Basic knowledge of Earth Observation (optional)
- A simple laptop or desktop computer to watch the lectures

Student Profile?
- Undergraduate & Postgraduate students
- PhD/EngD candidates
- Professionals
- Researchers and Academics
- Geospatial Analysts
- Remote Sensing Scientists

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

A review on the importance of dead wood in forests, with a focus in native Australian Eucalypt forests

Please note that this work is an extended version of the introduction and literature of the following publication:

Miltiadou, M., Campbell, N. D., Gonzalez Aracil, S., Brown, T. and Grant, M. G. (2018), `Detection of dead standing Eucalyptus camaldulensis without tree delineation for managing biodiversity in native Australian forest', International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 67, 135-147.
Full Paper Available here:

The importance of Dead Wood

The value of dead trees from a biodiversity management perspective is large. Once a tree dies, its woody structure remains for centuries and it contributes to forest regeneration while providing resources for numerous surrounding organisms (Franklin et al., 1987). More than 4000 species inhabit dead wood in Finland (Siitonen, 2001), where an estimate of 1000 species are threatened (Hanski, 2000). These species include animals, birds and other organisms, like fungi. Fungi contributes to wood decaying, formation of hollows and biodiversity, which supports the resilience of our ecosystem (Peterson et al., 1998). Observing the changes of fungal diversity on decaying wood has an increased interest in science (Abrego and Salcedo, 2011) (Stokland and Larsson, 2011) (Lonsdale et al., 2008) in order to ensure the continuous existence of decaying wood in forests.

In Australia, tree hollows play a signi cant role in managing biodiversity (Lindenmayer et al., 1997)
(Bennett et al., 1994). Nearly all arboreal mammals rely on hollows with the exception of the Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) and perhaps Ringtail Possums (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) that preferentially make a stick nest. Additionally, numerous Australian bird species use hollows for shelters (Gibbons and Lindenmayer, 2002). Nevertheless, Australia has no real hollow creators unlike the northern hemisphere (e.g. Woodpeckers), and therefore it relies predominantly on natural processes of limb breakage, insect and fungal attack when access points are provided through damage caused by wind, storms and re. This kind of hollows takes hundreds of years to form (Wormington and Lamb, 1999).

According to Gibbons et al. (2000), hollows are more likely to exist on dead trees trees or trees in poor physiological condition. In Australia, studies predict shortage of hollows for colonisation in the near future (Lindenmayer and Wood, 2010) (Goldingay, 2009). A sample list of species that rely on hollows, provided by Forestry Corporation of NSW, is depicted at Figure 1. Three of them are threatened (New South Wales Government, 2016). Consequently, automated detection of dead trees plays a substantial role in managing biodiversity.

Figure 1: Some species that uses tree hollows for shelters. The red ones / bold ones are threatened: Kook-
aburra, Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, Corella, Crimson Rosella, Eastern Rosella, Galah, Rainbow Lorikeet,
Musk Lorikeet, Little Lorikeet , Red-winged Parrot, Superb Parrot, Cockatiel, Australian Ringneck (Par-
rot), Red-rumped Parrot, Powerful Owl, Sooty Ow, Barking Owl, Masked Owl, Barn Owl, White-throated
Treecreeper, Hollow Owl, Brush-tailed Possum

As explained above, monitoring dead trees is essential for preserving a resilient ecosystem. Remote
sensing automates the process of monitoring forest and increases the spatial resolution of the monitored area.

Related Work in Remote Sensing

Remote sensing was introduced for automating detection of dead trees since fieldwork is a time consuming task, considering the variance spread of trees and the spatial resolution of the area of interest. From a classification perceptive, the task of identifying dead standing and dead fallen trees is di erent. Fallen trees are identi ed by detecting segments or line-like features on the terrain surface using LiDAR (Polewski et al., 2015) (Mcke et al., 2013). Regarding standing dead trees, their shape (reduced number of leaves or broken branches) (Yao et al., 2012) and light reflectance (less green light illuminated) (Pasher and King, 2009) areimportant factors for identifying them.
Previous work on dead standing trees detection performs single tree crown delineation before health assessment (Yao et al., 2012) (Shendryk, Broich, Tulbure, McGrath, Keith and Alexandrov, 2016). Tree crown delineation is usually done by detecting local maxima from the canopy height model (CHM) and then segmenting trees using the watershed algorithm (Popescu et al., 2003). Improvements has been achieved by introducing markers controlled watershed (Jing et al., 2012) and structural elements of tree crowns with di erent sizes (Hu et al., 2014). Additionally, Popescu and Zhao (2008) analyse the vertical distribution of the LiDAR points in conjunction with the local maximum filtering of CHM.

In the case of Eucalyptus in Australia, tree delineation is a challenge due to their irregular structure and multiple trunk splits. Local maxima filtering, used for tree detection, leads to over-segmentation because each tree trunk split forms a local maxima. Shendryk, Broich, Tulbure and Alexandrov (2016) published an interesting Eucalyptus delineation algorithm that performs segmentation from bottom to top; the trunks point cloud is separated from the leaves and individual trunks are identified before the segmentation. Nevertheless, the density resolution starts from 12 points/m2 and goes up to 36 points/m2 around forested areas. For small research projects capturing this high resolution is reasonable, but for larger areas, the density of the emitted pulses is above the optimal resolution for a cost effective versus quality acquisition (Lovell et al., 2005). Miltiadou et al. (2018) presented an new research direction for forest health assessment without tree delineation that uses 3D windows for extracting structural features and using these structural features to train an object detection system. This works was extended in using multi-scale 3D windows for tackling height differences (Miltiadou et al., 2020). 


Abrego, N. and Salcedo, I. (2011), `How does fungal diversity change based on woody debris type? a case study in northern spain', Ekologija 57(3). doi: 10.6001/ekologija.v57i3.1916.

Bennett, A., Lumsden, L. and Nicholls, A. (1994), `Tree hollows as a resource for wildlife in remnant woodlands: spatial and temporal patterns across the northern plains of victoria, australia', Paci c Conservation Biology 1(3), 222-235.

Franklin, J. F., Shugart, H. H. and Harmon, M. E. (1987), `Tree death as an ecological process', BioScience 17(8), 550-556. doi: 10.2307/1310665.

Gibbons, P. and Lindenmayer, D. (2002), `Tree hollows and wildlife conservation in australia', CSIRO Publishing . doi: 10.5860/choice.40-1547.

Gibbons, P., Lindenmayer, D., Barry, S. C. and Tanton, M. (2000), `Hollow formation in eucalypts from temperate forests in southeastern australia', Paci c Conservation Biology 6(3), 218.

Goldingay, R. L. (2009), `Characteristics of tree hollows used by australian birds and bats', Wildlife Research 36(5), 394{409. doi: 10.1071/WR08172.

Hanski, I. (2000), `Extinction debt and species credit in boreal forests: modelling the consequences of di erent approaches to biodiversity conservation', Annales Zoologici Fennici pp. 271-280.

Hu, B., Li, J., Jing, L. and Judah, A. (2014), `Improving the e ciency and accuracy of individual tree
crown delineation from high-density lidar data', International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 26, 145{15. doi: 0.1016/j.jag.2013.06.003.

Jing, L., Hu, B., Li, J. and Noland, T. (2012), `Automated delineation of individual tree crowns from
lidar data by multi-scale analysis and segmentation', Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 78(12), 1275{1284. doi: 10.14358/PERS.78.11.1275.

Lindenmayer, D. B., Cunningham, R. B. and Donnelly, C. F. (1997), `Decay and collapse of trees with hollows in eastern australian forests: Impacts on arboreal marsupials', Ecological Applications 7(2), 625{641. doi: 10.2307/2269526.

Lindenmayer, D. B. and Wood, J. T. (2010), `Long-term patterns in the decay, collapse, and abundance of trees with hollows in the mountain ash (eucalyptus regnans) forests of victoria, southeastern australia', Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40(1), 48{54. doi: 10.1139/X09-185.

Lonsdale, D., Pautasso, M. and Holdenrieder, O. (2008), `Wood-decaying fungi in the forest: conservation needs and management options', European Journal of Forest Research 127(1), 1{22. doi: 10.1007/s10342-007-0182-6.

Lovell, J. L., Jupp, D. L. B., Newnham, G. J., Coops, N. C. and Culvenor, D. S. (2005), `Simulation study for nding optimal lidar acquisition parameters for forest height retrieval', Forest Ecology and Management 214(1), 398{412. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2004.07.077.5

Mcke, W., Dek, B., Schroi , A., H. M. and Pfeifer, N. (2013), `Detection of fallen trees in forested areas using small footprint airborne laser scanning data', Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 139(s1), S32{S40. doi:10.5589/m13-013.

Miltiadou, M., Campbell, N. D., Gonzalez Aracil, S., Brown, T. and Grant, M. G. (2018), `Detection
of dead standing eucalyptus camaldulensis without tree delineation for managing biodiversity in native australian forest', International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 67, 135{147. doi:

Miltiadou, M., Agapiou, A., Gonzalez Aracil, S., & Hadjimitsis, D. G. (2020). Detecting Dead Standing Eucalypt Trees from Voxelised Full-Waveform Lidar Using Multi-Scale 3D-Windows for Tackling Height and Size Variations. Forests11(2), 161. doi:

New South Wales Government (2016), Biodiversity conservation act 2016 no 63, Technical report.

Pasher, J. and King, D. J. (2009), `Mapping dead wood distribution in a temperate hardwood for-
est using high resolution airborne imagery', Forest Ecology and Management 258(7), 1536{1548. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2009.07.009.

Peterson, G., Allen, C. R. and Holling, C. S. (1998), `Ecological resilience, biodiversity, and scale', Ecosystems 1(1), 6{18. doi: 10.1007/s100219900002.

Polewski, P., Yao, W., Heurich, M., Krzystek, P. and Stilla, U. (2015), `Detection of fallen trees in als point clouds using a normalized cut approach trained by simulation', ISPRS Journal of  Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 105, 252{271. doi: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2015.01.010.

Popescu, S. C., Wynne, R. H. and Nelson, R. F. (2003), `Measuring individual tree crown diameter with lidar and assessing its in uence on estimating forest volume and biomass', Canadian journal of remote sensing 29(5), 564{577. doi: 10.5589/m03-027.

Popescu, S. C. and Zhao, K. (2008), `A voxel-based lidar method for estimating crown base height for deciduous and pine trees', Remote sensing of environment 112(3), 767{781. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2007.06.011.

Shendryk, I., Broich, M., Tulbure, M. G. and Alexandrov, S. V. (2016), `Bottom-up delineation of individual trees from full-waveform airborne laser scans in a structurally complex eucalypt forest', Remote Sensing of Environment 173, 69{83. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2015.11.008.

Shendryk, I., Broich, M., Tulbure, M. G., McGrath, A., Keith, D. and Alexandrov, S. V. (2016), `Mapping individual tree health using full-waveform airborne laser scans and imaging spectroscopy: A case study for a foodplain eucalypt forest', Remote Sensing of Environment 187, 202{217. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2016.10.014.

Siitonen, J. (2001), `Forest management, coarse woody debris and saproxylic organisms: Fennoscandian boreal forests as an example', Ecological bulletins pp. 11{41.

Thursday, 11 January 2018

R script for generating multi-line graphs from .csv files

Recently I got reviewer's comments on a paper and they asked me to remake my graphs using R. At the beginning I got a bit annoyed that I had to redo them, but the results looks great!! :)  Therefore, I thought about documenting the code within my blog for future reference.

Let assume that you have the following .csv file and you would like to create a multi-line graph (please note that Excel also allows to export spreadsheet into .csv file format).

Content of a file table4.csv
The following R script creates a multi-line graphs. The input variables at the beginning can be adjusted accordingly.

### User defined Variables ###
# The title that appears on the top of the graph
mainTitle  = "Recall"
# The tile of the x-axis
xAxisTitle = "Distance (m)"
# The title of the y-axis
yAxisTitle = "Recall"
# The name of the imported .csv file
fileName = "table4.csv"
# The name of the image where the graph will be stored
exportFileName = "table4.png"

# Read the .csv file
data <- read.csv(file=fileName,row.names=1, head=TRUE,sep=",",check.names=FALSE)

# extracts two lists with the labels of the axes
rowNames = row.names(data)
colNames = colnames(data)


# plot graph with the given titles
matplot(t(data), type="l", lty=1, lwd=2, main= mainTitle, xlab=xAxisTitle, ylab=yAxisTitle)

# modify numbering\labels of the axes to agree with the inserted table of the .csv file
axis(1, at=1:length(colNames), lab=colNames)

# Add legend to the table
legend("topleft", inset=0.01, legend=rowNames, col=c(1:6), bg= ("white"), horiz=F, lty=1)

The result is the following graph:
The graph created using the R script

Friday, 5 January 2018

Extracting, geocorrecting and exporting a band into GeoTiff; Sentinel 3 SLSTR instrument

I have recently started working with Sentinel 3 data and even though they are really cool data, sometimes it is a hassle to find the appropriate tutorial and\or the information you need. It took me a while to automated the process of extracting a band and saving it into .tif. Therefore, I thought more that people will be interested into the solution.

For this tutorial you will need Python and SNAP installed.

You may download images from the SLSTR instrument using the following link:
Please note that the following approach does not work for the OLCI instrument. SNAP prints an error message. I hope it will be fixed soon.

Also do not try gdal_translate, it gives you an output and you may think it is ok at the beginning but looking deeper into it, the coordinate locations of the pixels are not correct. And this happens because the images are not georectificated. The coordinates of each pixel are stored into the lat  and lot. The best approach then is to use SNAP whose purpose is to manage Sentinel data. 

You can extract and reproject\georectificate a band using the Graph Builder (found in the Tools menu) as shown in the following image:

Figure 1: Graph Builder of SNAP

At first you need to select a band to avoid geocorreting (reprojecting) all the bands, because it is a time consuming tasks. The output of the BandSelect node is a 3 band image, because the lon and lat bands are preserved and are necessary components for the reprojection. The Reprojection command georectificate the image. But all three bands are preserved into its output. So we need to select again the band of our interest in order to drop the lat and lon bands.

If you want to automate the process, you can export the graph into an .xml file and run it into a terminal using the "gpt" command. You may modify the .xml file and add variables using the following: ${variableName}. Then you can define it from the terminal this way: -PvariableName="variableName". An example follows.

The following .xml files was exported from the graph illustrated in Figure 1 and modified to add the variables "in", "out" and "band".

<graph id="Graph">
  <node id="Read">
    <parameters class="com.bc.ceres.binding.dom.XppDomElement">
  <node id="BandSelect">
      <sourceProduct refid="Read"/>
    <parameters class="com.bc.ceres.binding.dom.XppDomElement">
  <node id="Reproject">
      <sourceProduct refid="BandSelect"/>
    <parameters class="com.bc.ceres.binding.dom.XppDomElement">
    SPHEROID["WGS84", 6378137.0, 298.257223563]], 
  PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0], 
  UNIT["degree", 0.017453292519943295], 
  AXIS["Geodetic longitude", EAST], 
  AXIS["Geodetic latitude", NORTH]]</crs>
  <node id="BandSelect(2)">
      <sourceProduct refid="Reproject"/>
    <parameters class="com.bc.ceres.binding.dom.XppDomElement">
  <node id="Write">
      <sourceProduct refid="BandSelect(2)"/>
    <parameters class="com.bc.ceres.binding.dom.XppDomElement">
  <applicationData id="Presentation">
    <node id="Read">
            <displayPosition x="37.0" y="134.0"/>
    <node id="BandSelect">
      <displayPosition x="163.0" y="141.0"/>
    <node id="Reproject">
      <displayPosition x="309.0" y="138.0"/>
    <node id="BandSelect(2)">
      <displayPosition x="451.0" y="154.0"/>
    <node id="Write">
      <displayPosition x="611.0" y="180.0"/>

You may run the script as follow:

 gpt ExtractReprojectBandfromS3_SLSTR.xml -Pin=dir\ +  -Pband="band_name" -Pout="out.tiff"

This tutorial was funded under the SEO-DWARF project of H2020 RISE
Written during my secondment as researcher from Cyprus University of Technology to Planetek Hellas.