This is an upgrade from a previous blogpost that included an script for generating multiline graphs. The new updated code is available on Github
This script that takes as input a multiline .csv file and exports and a line graph
Here is an example of an input .csv file (included in the GitHubLink):
The R script runs in Command Prompt and requires a number of input parameters as follow:
How to run: RERSargs.r <input.csv> <graph.png> <title> <xAxisTitle> <yAxisTitle> <width> <height>
Here is an example of how to run the script given the example .csv file provided:
Rscript RERSargs.r Sentinel-1_Desc_Vh_heights_all_2016.csvDB.csvfiltered.csv Sentinel-1_Desc_Vh_heights_all_2016.csvDB.csvfiltered.csv.png "Average Seasonal Backscattered Coefficient Values of 2016 using Sentinel-1 data" "Months" "Average Backscattered Coefficient (DB)" 900 600
The output graph is the following:
Disclaimer: This tutorial aims to show how to use the multi-line graph. Even though the example is referring to specific data, the values are not correct (I suspect it was from an over-processed test) and cannot be used for research.
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